Thursday, April 29, 2010

Mobile Loaves and Fishes House get a frame

Patrick graded the site, set the piers, and managed to get the walls together for the MLF demostration cottage that will provide shelter for Austin homeless. See the build photos here.


Sunday, April 25, 2010

Welcome Nevin to Keenan Inc.

Here is a video and photo of Nevin who just joined us at Keenan Inc. We are very luck to have him. He is an expert equipment operator, with over 10 years of excavating. Nevin is running the track loader and heading up the demolition work!


Radnor House Pool Demo

Last week we worked on a large pool remove near Villanova University. Here are some photos. All of the concrete will get recycled!


Thursday, April 22, 2010

EARTH DAY 2010 Thinking about Nicaragua the porest coutry in the Americas.

We have made 3 trips to Nicaragua to work with El Porvenir on a number of projects from wells to reforestation. Most people in Nicaragua truly live from the Earth and here you see how polluted streams and loss of trees effects the quality of life of people. The loss of forests in Nicaragua has reduced rainfall, caused deadly landslides, increased soil erosion, and reduced rainwater infiltration and aquifer recharge rates. Once host to over 9,000 different species of trees and plants, Nicaragua has lost approximately 50% of its forest cover since 1950.

El Porvenir is seeking to change the direction of this cycle through our reforestion and fuel-efficient cook stove programs.

2009 Results:
159 families constructed 159 fuel efficient stoves.
540 families planted five or more fruit trees.
2,970 people involved in planting trees.
Over 85,000 trees planted.

The project impacted beneficiaries by:
Reducing the volume of wood cut for cooking fuel by 60%.

Reducing the time spent by children gathering wood for cooking in beneficiary villages (thereby allowing more time for children to attend school).

Reducing eye and respiratory disease among women and children in beneficiary villages by eliminating indoor smoke.

Increasing environmental awareness and stewardship of community watersheds and forestry resource.
Protecting the watershed EP water projects depend on.

Monday, April 19, 2010

12x12 House for the Homeless

Patrick is designing and building this prototype house with his classmates in Austin for Mobile Loaves and Fishes who are working to create a community to give people shelter in Austin. The build will be soon and we will keep you posted. Here is a link to more info on that project.


Stormwater Infiltrator Berm

Here we are constructing a stormwater infiltrator berm with cat track loader. Two berms with related pipework are being installed to handle the stormwater needs of the new house, a driveway and beautiful barn.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

New Home Site Work

Here is a picture of a custom home that we have done all the excavation, site work, grading and septic system. Later this week we will start the stormwater system.


Friday, April 9, 2010

Patrick on a Green roof

Patrick Bresnan is at the University of Texas at Austin in the school of architecture working away and learning how Keenan Inc can incorporate new building systems. Here is Patrick and his class on the roof of Lars Stanley architect in Austin TX.

Andrew working hard on a tricky septic system.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Footing Excavation

This week we are excavating a footing and a crawl space for and addition in West Chester.


Septic systems are back!

With the increased snow and rain this winter a lot of septic systems had to wait to be installed. Here is a project from last week. We are very happy to be back at installing new system.


Stone Patio

Here is a stone patio we recently completed that was very rewarding.


Remembering the Snow

Finally some beautiful weather. We were just organizing some images from the winter and are still amazed at how busy we were with the snow.
